【Gillyflower】Carnation Soap Small Bouquet With Wood Message Tag 香皂康乃馨小花束配心型刻字小木牌
這束花擺在家中,讓她時時刻刻想起有個孝順又可愛的你!香皂花最大好處就係放係度唔會凋謝可以放係家中做擺設, 好好保存留念加上心型刻字小木牌可以刻上名字更加獨一無二
Flowers speak louder than words! The best way to say "I love you" on Mother's Day is with a bouquet of carnation. These everlasting flowers symbolizes love, specifically a mother's eternal love for children, PERFECT for your love ones.
- Dimensions: Approx. 33cm x 28cm ( 尺寸:高33cm x 闊28cm )
- Ingredients: Goat milk soap, coconut oil, palm oil, food coloring
Included in the package 產品包含 :
- Soap Small Bouquet with 11 Carnations + Engraved Wood Message Tag + LED Light String + Carry Bag ( 香皂11枝康乃馨小花束 + 心型刻字小木牌 + LED 燈 + 包裝袋 ) 包裝袋可能會因應存貨供應而有機會跟圖片有所不同,敬請留意!
Expiration: 2-3 years, without directly sunshine and wet atmosphere
所有貨品先付款後訂製, 付款後大約14-16天完成並安排寄出
📣由於不同產品的製作時間有別, 我地會等齊整個訂單內的貨品完成才一次過寄出, 敬請各惠顧客人如訂購不同貨品而需要指定日期寄出, 落單前先向本店查詢, 感謝各位一直既支持!
(注意: 旺季時段, 生產時間或需要延長)
*電腦顯示的產品照片與實物可能出現色差, 顧客如不能接受請勿訂購。
**付款一經確認後便安排生產, 不能作任何更改, 顧客請落單時小心核對清楚訂做資料和名字
***因本公司是客製產品, 除品質有損壞問題外, 否則一律不能退/換貨! 請各顧客於惠顧前考慮清楚, 敬希理解
*****香港或澳門客戶滿現凡訂製滿$600包順豐運費, $600以下順豐運費到付
Product Care:
Do not water.
Do not expose to direct sunlight, strong light and wind.
Keep in room temperature environment.
Avoid extremely humid environment.
Never shake, freeze or press them.