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【Renya】Aromatic Wood & Dried Flowers With Glass Container 天然乾花香木玻璃樽

【Renya】Aromatic Wood & Dried Flowers With Glass Container 天然乾花香木玻璃樽


擴香天然木為你家居帶來放鬆的香氣✨全新的乾花香木玻璃樽可以滴上自己鍾意嘅精油 擴香木將會自行散發香氣 令到整個空間更加放鬆~大家仲可以發揮自己小小的創意 按自己喜好插上乾花同香木✨過程十分療癒!!!玻璃樽本身都十分實用喔 可以放不同小飾物/零食/咖啡粉等等🤩

- Material : Aromatic Wood (擴香木), Dried Flowers, Glass

- Glass Container Size: 8.5 (dia) x 7.2 (H) cm 玻璃瓶尺寸 / 高7.2cm,底直徑8.5cm 

Note: 由於此產品部份由天然木質製造, 產品為天然木紋形成, 每個原木製品表面都會有獨有顏色和木紋, 木節, 小瑕疵等, 屬於木頭自然生成的現象會有自然木的紋路, 完美主義者請勿下單

How to use:

- Add 3-5 drops of essential oil over the aromatic wood. The scent will last for 1-3 days. 在擴香木球上添加3-5滴精油,氣味可以持續約1-3天。

- Decoration: This gift set offers a decorative as well as a pleasurable way of setting a positive atmosphere, diffusing oils naturally in your living room, bedroom, bathroom, office, or car. Place them at your favorite spots, the center of a coffee desk, kitchen sink, etc. It serves as a gorgeous addition.

- Gift choice: Ideal gift for any special occasions like Birthday, Anniversay, Friendship, Graduation, Thank you, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc.

- Limited of 8 letters (限8個英文字母, 包括空格)    

- Item comes in 1x Aromatic Wood & Dried Flowers, 1x Glass Container & Paper bag (此產品包1盒天然乾花香木, 1個玻璃樽和紙袋)

P.S. 此系列已設計了指定之1種英文字體/字體顏色:金色, 指定之大概字體尺寸/位置如圖   (不設圖稿確認)

所有貨品先付款後訂製, 付款後大約16-18 天完成並安排寄出 (注意: 旺季時段, 生產時間或需要延長) 

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*****香港或澳門客戶滿現凡訂製滿$600包順豐運費, $600以下順豐運費到付

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